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Worth Repeatin'

We are bombarded each day with so breeds competition and comparison.  Much of what we see on social media is a false narrative that there is one way to do life:  be perfect.  It is unattainable and impossible and leaves us feeling less than.  I want you to know there is a place here where we can be safe from the comparative, competitive way of life.  Here, we come as we are.  Flaws and all. 


In this space, we choose respect for ourselves and others. The space on your mat must be a place of acceptance for you and all you are.  Perfection doesn't exist.  Please get off that hamster wheel. You deserve to see yourself in all your imperfect beauty and recognize that as the stuff that really matters.


There are things that I will regularly address in our Yoga Practice together.  I've included a few here to help you decide if I'm the instructor for you.  I don't apologize for speaking my heart during our practice together.  


We, often, define ourselves based on something we were told long ago that just stuck with us.  Many times it is the most hurtful labels that we carry with us the longest. You have the right to shed that label at any time.  You have the right to turn that into a positive. You get to choose.

All Are Welcome Here

All Skill Levels Welcome

You will find people of all ages in my classes.  I have clients who are under 5 and over 70.  Modifications are regularly provided.  Feel free to be right where you are in your journey and know that is right where you are supposed to be. 


Concern:  Can't touch your toes, no problem.  Solution:  Bend your knees.


It finds us.  We may run from it but in this life we are promised suffering.  It is hard.  We work to move past it or we bury it deep within our body or a little of both.  Trauma hangs around and roots us in fear, panic, brokenness, and grief.  Come to your mat - we will lovingly talk the wreckage of trauma right out of those deep places that we keep hidden.  

Crack in road held together with a bandaid
Little girl, big emotions

Mental Wellness

This little girl embodies what happens to me and my BIG emotions when I choose to skip practice.  Yoga is unlike any form of exercise available as the focus is stillness and breath.  As with any form of exercise, consistent practice is key.  I will always encourage you to keep coming to your mat...your mental wellness depends on YOU making regular time for yourself.  Self-care is never selfish.

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