I am so excited to announce my new blog - Candied Cactus. I have spent many hours thinking of how I would like to introduce myself into the blog world and I went with the prickliest option I could find: Cacti. Read on, I guarantee it’s not what you think.
I will be sharing with you some of my life experiences and valuable lessons that I wish someone had shared with me to help navigate life. And, realize, that best laid plans are something to laugh about later because nothing in my life has truly gone according to my plans.
Anyone else out there feel the same way??? Anyone???
I'm prickly, nice to meet you.
Three things that describe my life in perfect form: Cacti, Honeysuckle, and Pearls. First topic of discussion: cacti. Some of the sweetest experiences in my life have been, oh so painful. Just like a prick from a cactus, those experiences have made me a little, well, spiny. But I have learned more in those hard moments, seasons, and years than any other time. The take-aways have been necessary for my survival and who knows, maybe yours as well. I am learning to embrace my prickliness and want you to know that you can too.
Spoiler Alert
This blog will not be one that highlights the perfect picturesque family. It also isn’t a testimony of how I have gotten the things that I've always prayed for or showing you all the good that has come from it. I am more likely to show you the unfiltered and unrefined version, because that is who I am. It isn't fair to show you just the pretty stuff because that has not been my experience. You see, all of this is pretty messy and most of it is NOT well with my soul if I’m being honest. But I am learning to accept, adapt, and move forward. This story, my story, is gritty, real, and even heartbreaking at times. But it is mine.
Are you In?
We will explore the name Candied Cactus in depth as the blog unfolds. But for now, subscribe to the blog and find out how I realized I was resilient, mildly poisonous, and so beautifully rare. So come along with me and find out how prickly you are, as we explore our hurts and grow beautiful spines that sustain us through the ups and downs, ins and outs, and twists and turns. It can be a beautiful life, in spite of...
Are you ready to do more than just exist? Are you ready to find new life after disappointment, trauma, and grief? There is an ebb and there is a flow to life and finding yourself along the way is a beautiful bonus.
Look for new posts each Friday.
Natalie Blackmon, Human Development and Leadership, MS Degree
Trauma Informed Yoga Instructor @natalieblackmonyoga.com
Editor Credits: Becky Simmons